T, Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor are priceless. Decked out in blue patterned leather, boots, a long scarf and racing gloves with a huge gold ring on one finger, Murphy strolls back and forth across a dark stage, occasionally taking a seat on a stool, and lets fly with a stream of consciousness that can cause pain.

Prices increase in 00 H : 00 M : 00 S Up to 35 off sitewide 16 tees and more Shop Now Hi there Log In Create Account Shop Designs. We print the highest quality eddie murphy t-shirts on the internet. Raw was filmed in 1987 at the Felt Forum in New York. Shop eddie murphy t-shirts created by independent artists from around the globe. Maybe this is a toe in the water to set the stage for Delirious and Comedian some time down the road. It says it right on the cover, an Eddie Murphy Production. How Raw managed to sneak out is a bit of a mystery, since he owned the rights. Some day, his kids will see their dad in red leather, swearing like mad and making rude jokes. With Murphy's career reimaging, he doesn't want his old works out there, which is a shame. That honor belongs to Delirious, which will never see the light of day from what I've heard. As I said, Raw isn't his funniest stand-up show. So hearing the then-single Murphy rant about marriage when he's been married for 11 years and counting, with five children, makes it all the funnier. There's a lengthy rant against marriage and divorce and women getting half of everything in the marriage, even with a celebrity breadwinner. While Eddie Murphy Raw wasn't his best stand-up routine, it has both genuine and unintentionally funny moments. Fatherhood is about as good an excuse as any.