"Very Fine" eyedrops will cause the player to stop blinking entirely for a prolonged period of time. "Fine" eyedrops will slow down the blink meter for a longer period of time and alleviate some of the player's blood loss. The resulting item from converting it on "Fine" or "Very Fine" setting have different effects. The eyedrops are obtained by putting the ReVision Eyedrops through SCP-914 on the "Fine" or "Very Fine" setting.

They also cannot be used whilst wearing a gas mask or a hazmat suit. However, it is to be noted that no form of eyedrops will work while wearing SCP-714.

By putting it through SCP-914 on the "1:1" setting, the player will obtain ReVision Eyedrops with a red label, titled "RedVision Eyedrops". They can be used most effectively when encountering SCP-173. ReVision Eyedrops are a small, blue bottle that, when used, will slow down the blink meter for a short period of time. It can be obtained by putting the hazmat suit through SCP-914 on the "Fine" or "Very Fine" setting. The mysterious hazmat suit grants the player with the increased stamina regeneration of the super gas mask. The heavy hazmat suit grants the player immunity to the effects of SCP-012, SCP-895, and SCP-035's tentacle creatures. The heavy hazmat suit is created when the player puts the hazmat suit and an SCP-148 ingot through SCP-914 on the "Fine/Very Fine" settings. No other items can be used alongside the hazmat suit. It will also protect the player from SCP-049's lethal touch, though SCP-049 will eventually remove the suit if given enough time. Once donned, the suit will cap the player's stamina at 60% of the normal maximum. Like the ballistic vest, the hazmat suit takes a while to be equipped, during which time it will heavily impede the player's movement speed. The hazmat suit is used for protection from SCP-008 when the player enters its chamber, and it is located in the small storage area right outside its chamber door. It is created by putting the Ballistic Vest in SCP-914 on "Very Fine". The bulky ballistic vest is unable to be picked up due to its weight. It is created by putting the Ballistic Vest in SCP-914 on "Fine". If the vest is hit, the player will receive minor injuries, but will not receive any further drops to stamina. Once donned, the vest will cap the player's stamina at 60% of the normal maximum, but will give the player more protection against MTFs. The heavy ballistic vest protects all but the player's head from bullets. They can be found in the Warhead room and Dr. If the vest gets hit, the player's stamina will begin to drop, as well as receive minor injuries but will not bleed. Once the vest is donned, the player's turning speed becomes slower. The ballistic vest takes a while to be equipped, during which time it will heavily impede the player's movement speed. This protection allows the player a chance to escape from the MTF, but this is unlikely, given that they usually rapid fire. However, it does not protect the player from being hit in areas such as the leg and head. The ballistic vest is an item that provides protection from bullets. Putting the very fine syringe in SCP-914 on the "Fine" or "Very Fine" setting will create an SCP-008 infected. The player will begin retching for 30 seconds before they vomit.The player's speed will be increased shortly before they die.

The player's stamina will decrease at 10% its normal rate for 30 seconds while the player will be healed at a random rate.Three different effects can take place once the player is injected with this item: The very fine syringe can be acquired by placing a normal syringe in SCP-914 on the "Very Fine" setting or placing a fine syringe in it on the "Fine" or "Very Fine" settings. When used, it will heal the player's injuries and cause the stamina meter to decrease at random rates. The fine syringe can be acquired by placing a normal syringe in SCP-914 on the "Fine" setting. However, in that 30 second period the player will slowly be inflicted with blood loss. When used, it will cause the stamina meter to decrease at 50% its normal rate for 20 seconds, while healing any injuries at a slow rate for 30 seconds. The syringe is a one-time use item that allows the player to be injected with a serum that gives them an adrenaline rush.