Pinkie, who seems to go out of her way to subvert this trope, seems to be the only exception to this. Also their reformation of Discord (even though it took time for most of them to eventually truly consider him a friend). Starlight Glimmer's introduction to the team alone can attest to that. They will be quick to forgive and give you a second chance afterwards however. Discord and Tirek learned that the hard way. They are all pleasant and supportive towards others, but don't push their buttons. Beware the Nice Ones: Especially Twilight and Fluttershy.Badass Teacher: They've saved Equestria several times and in Season 8, open a school to teach friendship.While Starlight Glimmer doesn't have an Element of Harmony, she instead has her resume as a former antagonist and her incredible magical power to show she is not to be underestimated either.Even without the Elements of Harmony, they can accomplish some impressive tasks when they work together.Starlight Glimmer in particular pulled together a group of misfits to rescue the Princesses, the Royal Family as well as the Mane Six from the vengeful Queen Chrysalis. Badass Adorable: All of the Mane Six are cute ponies that have accomplished tasks that may seem impossible for most ponies and even saved Equestria several times from monsters and other evil gods.Amazon Brigade: This is especially true when compared to the main characters of previous generations: G1's ponies seemed to be helpless without Megan and G3's ponies had no villains to begin with.Considering their main goal is to spread friendship across Equestria and not destroy it and create enemies, it makes total sense. Even Rainbow Dash is one the kindest and emotional friends you'll know, especially by Season 4, she's just a more snarky example than most. They are caring and kind to others, very forgiving and are always willing to give someone a second chance, even if they were once bitter enemies. All-Loving Hero: All of them, but especially Twilight and Fluttershy.Action Girl: All the main ponies are prepared to get into a fight and handle themselves well if they have to.